lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

The difference between a freckle and a mole

It's not about making posts on a regular basis. It's about coming back after more than a month without publishing anything. Just writing when I feel like it.
Should I say "Happy New Year" 20 days into it? Well, the good news is that I have a few topics to rave about. For example, the Minecraft - Sailor Moon combination I've been doing this month. Something like, doing each of them on it's own would get me tired of it eventually; but doing both at the same time keeps my head busy enough.

I've decided to watch the entire Sailor Moon series during my summer break (December - March). It's 200 episodes total, and I'm already done with around 100. The first part was kinda difficult to cope with, since the protagonist was extremely immature and nerve-wracking. But it's gotten better and I mostly laugh during a lot of the scenes. It's been announced that a new series is coming up, a reboot focusing mostly on adapting the manga (the original series was much slower than the manga and with big changes, read more here). We are hoping it will premiere in July.

Now to Minecraft. If you ever played it seriously you have to admit it is a great game. It's never-ending because you will always come up with new ideas of what to build next. But it can get a little boring playing on your own. That's why I'm playing on a server, with people from my country. It's a small server but it's easier to make friends that way. If you have never played it, I strongly recommend that you give it a try.

Any other news? Oh, yes. I've started going to painting classes. I've always been good at drawing but quite bad at painting. I'm giving watercolor pencils a try. And I guess I never mentioned I go to singing classes as well... but that has more to do with relaxing and liberating energy than with skill.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Our triumph is certain

It's been a week and you're asking what the heck I'm doing. Well, I've been playing Neverwinter. It's a MMORPG by Criptic Studios (owned by Perfect World) released on June 2013. Apparently it is based on a tabletop role-playing game called Dungeons & Dragons. Oh, and it is free-to-play.

About my experience with it. I've been playing it for a week, more or less. I chose the Trickster Rogue character and it is around level 35 by now. I know it sounds like I've been playing 24/7 but it actually surprised me how fast the leveling is. It has been fun so far and even though I came across some little bugs they were funny rather than annoying. The only thing that I really don't like is that when I'm travelling to a new zone and the loading screen comes up, it starts downloading patches (why now?) and since my Internet connection is kinda slow I get left behind by other party members. Anyways, here is a pic of my character and below the link to register and download the game (It actually downloads a game manager from Perfect World and then installs the game)

To play Neverwinter click here.

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The Lion, the Binary Star and the Rocket Pilot

Ok, today's recommendation is an anime (and manga) that I watched a few years ago: Twin Spica (or Futatsu no Spica). At first the anime's drawing style may cause some rejection and the character of Asumi may seem like out of a children's show. But the story behind that and every other character of this series is deeply moving.
Asumi Kamogawa has dreamt about going to space ever since she was very little and decides to attend to an academy in Tokyo to become an astronaut. This sounds too simple for a plot, but anything else I might say will be an spoiler. Yeah. Just that sentence doesn't make it any justice. Please trust me on this one.
If you don't care about a little spoiler you can read the plot in MyAnimeList:
Anime - Manga
By the way, if you enjoy reading manga just skip the anime. I think it's much better.

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013


So, I watched this movie today, Colorful, based on a novel. It's about the soul of a person who just died and is given a chance to live again in the body of a boy who just commited suicide, on the condition that he must remember which was the crime he commited in his past life (He can't remember anything about it). It's a great movie to watch by yourself, since it touches deep feelings and leaves you thinking.

Link to the movie on MyAnimeList.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Make someone else read your ravings

Hello world. Violet muffins and chocolate sheeps' world. This is Linachann, short lass from the Southern Hemisphere. Wasting time on the Internet for as long as I can remember. Anime, manga, videogames, cat pictures, YouTube videos, reddit, you name it.

What is this blog about? Well... I guess it'll mostly be recommendations on the stuff I mentioned above and some random thoughts.

About today, 50th Anniversary of the Doctor Who series. I started watching this show at the begining of this year ( since the 9th doctor) and I'm really into it. It makes me laugh a lot and I love how at the end of some episodes one can't stop feeling amazed by the last revelation.
I won't be able to watch the special today since I haven't finished watching the last season and I don't have anyone to go to the cinema with (who understands anything about the series). So I'll go on about it once I catch up.

I think this is enough for tonight. By the way, English is not my native language so please don't be too harsh on me if my grammar makes no sense.